2007 Fives Cinetic (Cinetic Landis) Model RK 350-20 Twin Grip Style CNC Centerless Grinding Machine*

2007 Fives Cinetic (Cinetic Landis) Model RK 350-20 Twin Grip Style CNC Centerless Grinding Machine*


6.0" Workpiece Diameter

.050" Workpiece Diameter

Grinding Wheel Drive Motor 50 HP

24" Max Grinding Wheel Diameter

20" Wheel Width - Maximum

12" Wheel Mounting Hole Diameter

8,500 ft/min. Grinding Wheel Surface Speed

1,352 RPM Max Grinding Wheel

0.000004" Grinding Wheel Truing (CNC)

Traverse Rate (Across Wheel -1 to 50 IPM)

Traverse Rate 25 to 1270 (Across Wheel - mm/min.)

22.28" Traverse Distance (Across Wheel) - Maximum

Profile Depth - Maximum............1"

Manual Compensation for the Diamond Axis:

14" Max Regulating Wheel Diameter - Maximum

20" Max Width - Maximum

Drive Motor (Servo), RPM Selectable............18N-m [4.02 kW I

300 RPM (During Dressing) - Maximum

15 RPM Minimum

Surface Speed (ft./min.)............55 to 1100

Surface Speed (m/sec.)............0,28 to 5,6

+8 to -2 Degrees Regulating Wheel Housing Swivel (Workfeed Angle)

Regulating Wheel Truing Traverse Drive Motor (Servo) 2.0 N-m

Traverse Rate (Across Wheel -1 to 50 IPM)

25 to 1270 Traverse Rate (Across Wheel - mm/min.)

21.02" Max Traverse Distance

Profile Depth - Maximum 0.63" Diamond Compensator

Manual Advance Dial 0.0005"

CNC Truing 0.000004" Resolution

+6 to -2 Degrees Dresser Swivel

Single Axis Slide Drive AC Brushless Servomotor,

Two-Way Compensation

Compensator Resolution 0.000004"

Two-Way Compensation

Infeed Rapid Advance/Retract Rate 125 in/min.

3 Feed Rates

Feed Rate (Coarse Rate) - Maximum 5 in/min.

Feed Rate (Coarse Rate) - Minimum 0.001 in/min.

Feed Rate (Medium Rate) - Maximum 1 in/min.

Feed Rate (Medium Rate) - Minimum 0.001 in/min.

Feed Rate (Fine Rate) - Maximum 0.1 in/min.

Feed Rate (Fine Rate) - Minimum 0.0001 in/min.

0.50" Swivel Plate to Front (Measured to Adjustor)

0.50" Swivel Plate to Rear (Measured to Adjustor)

Swivel Plate Indicator............0.0001 in./Division Dial Indicator

Swivel Plate Indicator............0.002 mm/Division Dial Indicator

10" Lower Slide Travel - Max

(2) Slide Manual Clamps

6.02" Upper Slide Travel - Max

(2) Slide Manual Clamps

Dimensions - Approximate............168"L x 80"W x 95"H

Weight - Approximate............25,980 Lbs.


Landis 6400 CNC Open Architecture Control System

Machine Control Logic Executed by ISaGraf IEC-1131

Soft PLC

Grinding Software

Sercos Fiber Optic Interface

Microsoft Windows Operating System

Xycom Proface Flat Panel

Touch HDMI

Thru feed Work rest 20"

Thru feed Grinding Wheel Truing Cam

Regulating Wheel Truing Cam

SBS Dynamic Wheel Balance System Model SB-4500

Eaton Cutler-Hammer SVX9000 Variable Frequency Drive Unit (for grinding wheel spindle)

Paper Media Bed Type Coolant Filtration System

Smog Hog Mist Collector

Machine Documentation


ManufacturerFives Cinetic (Cinetic Landis)
ModelModel RK 350-20 Twin Grip Style CNC Centerless Grinding Machine*