2016 OKUMA Multus B 300 BB SBW II CNC Mill Turn Center with Milling Head / Dual Spindle / Live Milling / TSC / 120 Tools / BarFeeder

2016 OKUMA Multus B 300 BB SBW II CNC Mill Turn Center with Milling Head / Dual Spindle / Live Milling / TSC / 120 Tools / BarFeeder


Excellent Condition

10,000RPM Live Milling

Capto C6 Milling Head 15/10 Horsepower Prex Milling Motor

120 Station Automatic Tool Changer

OKUMA OSP P300S CNC Control 10.4” Color LCD

5,000RPM Sub Spindle 20 Horsepower

A2-8 Main Spindle Nose 10″ Chuck Size

3,800RPM Main Spindle 30 Horsepower

A2-6 Sub Spindle Nose 8″ Chuck Size

Rebel Edge 102 BarFeeder

Automatic Tool PreSetter

RENISHAW RMP60 Capto C6 Auto Gauging Probe

High Precision C-AXIS BB Main

Collision Avoidance System

TAS-S & TAS-C Thermal Compensation

H1 Turret Synchronized Tapping

1,000PSI MP Systems High Pressure Coolant Pump

Through Spindle Air

Parts Catcher

Universal BarFeeder Interface

Mist Collector and Coolant Filtration System

Fine Filtration Chip Conveyor

pper Tool Spindle with Big Bore Main Spindle

Royal Quick Grip 80 Collet Chucks for Main Spindle

SMW KNCS-N 8.5" Quick Change Hydraulic Chuck for Sub Spindle

Automatic Touchsetter

Auto Parts Catcher for Sub Spindle

120 Tool Magazine (Capto C6)

Double Decker Chip Conveyor with Filter (Hinge Type Right Side Exit)

MP Systems High Pressure Coolant System (1000 psi)

Programmable Sub Spindle

Edge Technologies Rebel 102 Servo SE Short Magazine Barfeed

Renishaw RMP60 Touch Probe with Auto Gauging

Mist Collector

Coolant Filtration

Air Blast & Coolant Through Sub Spindle

Coolant Gun

Remote Jog Handle

Three Color Tower Light

Off-Center Turning Function

Lathe Tool Index Function

(4) Spare M-Codes

2.75″ Max Diameter Bar Capacity

24.8″ / 24.8″ Max Swing Over Bed / Carriage

35.43″ Max Machining Length

3.15″ Spindle Bore

2″ Sub Spindle Bar Capacity

8″ Sub Spindle Chuck Size

0.001 Degrees Sub Spindle Index

1574 / 1024 / 787 IPM Rapid Traverse Rates (X&Z / Y /W)

22.83″ (+22.04” / - 0.79”) X-Axis Travel

36.81″ Z-Axis Travel

6.30″ (+3.15” / - 3.15”) Y-Axis Travel

0.001 Degrees C-Axis Index

.001 Degrees B-Axis Index

225 Degrees B-Axis Swivel

35.43″ Distance Between Spindles

3.54″ / 5.12″ Max Tool Diameter

11.81″ Max Tool Length

17.6 lbs.Max Tool Weight

24.8″ Max Turning Diameter

39.37″ W-Axis Travel (Sub Spindle)


ModelMultus B 300 BB SBW II CNC Mill Turn Center with Milling Head / Dual Spindle / Live Milling / TSC / 120 Tools / BarFeeder